Please share this story of #HOPE with someone who may need to hear this.
2 years ago today. I was hours from committing suicide. I was planning to hang myself in the garage because of a decade and a half of daily torture living with not only Trigeminal Cephalalgia Neuralgia. Aka the worlds most painful disease but a plethora of added health problems stemming from multiple brain surgeries and being told doctors could nor would help me any longer. I had no quality of life. I wanted to live but not at the expense it was costing me. April 24,2019 I was going to die.Absolutely no question or doubt. homie contacted me out of the blue for no reason other than to say hi. I verbally dirreah to him knowing there wasn’t a damn thing he could do. So it did NOT matter who he was. In fact it’s never mattered to me who he is because of his career. He is simply someone that means everything to me as a friend. That day Mike offered me hope . It didn’t take me but a second to accept HOPE and HELP. Within a couple weeks Mike had raised $ through Cameo and Go Fund Me and then this gentleman, another unsung hero Kenny Hill (RIP) owners of Redecan offers Mike to fly my wife & I to the states for stem cell therapy .
I am the first human to have stem cell therapy for my disease. And it worked!!!!
All because these men here cared to simple listen to a friend in need. Offer hope of a better tomorrow as I struggled to make midnight everyday for over a decade. I went to NYC. Had stem cell and overnight my life changed. It was the first day of the rest of my life. I felt better and everyday since then have been the best days of my life.
Mike has full filled dreams I’ve wanted to do, and I continue to make dreams a reality. Even going back to work after a decade. Doing what I love Chinwags barbershop
. My life changed in so many ways from dropping over 100lbs to moving across country and starting a new life. Had Mike not contacted me that day. My wife would be a widow. Do not make a permanent decision to a temporary problem. Never give up hope. Life can and will get better.

Today I don’t reflect on 2 years ago going to die. Today I celebrate life

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