Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Glad tidings and blessings to all my fellow Cluster Heads, UNSUNG HERO's and family and friends.

Wow, what a year 2014 has been. So many things have happened in the past year. Globally and in my life.

It has been an enlightening year, educational, uplifting and blessed.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Paying it forward. Michael J. Fox "Lucky Man" and Cluster Busters for Cluster Suicide Headaches

Paying it forward
Win this book "LuckyMan" by donating  to michaeljfox.org & clusterbusters.org help find  cure to 2 both diseases

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Voice of an UNSUNG HERO-Survivor's wife.

Today, November 18, 2014 is our 3 year wedding anniversary.  3 years ago I married my best friend. I'll never forget my first date. Jumped on the Harley and headed to Merla Mae Ice Cream. As we sat that getting to know one another I thought wow, I really like her. I kept thinking, should I tell her I am sick? Should I tell her what happens to me even though she won't comprehend it?
I have hid my attacks before dating and when they happened the girl got so freaked out she bailed on me. I have dated other girls and told them I was sick and they bailed on me. But my gut that day said tell her.

So, it went something like this..

Monday, November 17, 2014

Advocating my disease, leaving my footprint for future cluster heads

It takes a long time for any person diagnosed with any disease to accept their fate. To not only stop denying or asking why me but turning it around to 'Why not me?". It took me along time and a good book by Michael J. Fox "Lucky Man" for me to change my outlook and perspective. No longer wanting to die.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cluster Busters Conference 2014 Nashville Tennesse

Hey ya'all. Does my southern accent come through in my words? Just kidding. I love the south and every time I can go, I just look forward to it. I love the mountains, the people, the food. Oh god, the food. I ate pulled pork just about every single day there. Can't get enough of it and only recently in the last 2 years we just got a southern restaurant here.....

Its been 1 week now since I first walked into the meet and greet and was in a room where literally not a single person had to speak. Everyone of us could have kept our mouths closed and not said a single word verbally yet had a conversation.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Wow I bet you were not expecting this from me eh?

Let me first tell you that June July August 2014 was the worst months of my cluster headache career in over 9 years chronic.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Suicide ( part 2) RIP Robin Williams

I can't begin to tell you how deeply affected I am about Robin Williams passing. For many reasons...and really. Its not because I am comedic myself or the fact I loved his work as a comedian or actor. Or for his philanthropy. Its because....

Thursday, July 24, 2014

9 Years Today I have had my first Cluster Headache. Non stop since. I am alive today.

9 Years sick today with Cluster Headaches aka Suicide Headaches. Before you continue to read this. I write this with a sound mind as I can with zero aspirations of any pity. Only awareness. I wrote this on 1 hour sleep. Do not be alarmed. I am getting accustomed to sleeping 2 hours or less per night.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Meeting another Cluster Head in person for the 1st time

Yesterday My family and I met another Cluster Head and her spouse.
This was the very first time I have met another survivor in person. And her spouse.
She is a survivor in more ways than one.....

Monday, May 19, 2014

It's tough somedays talking to the ignorant

Its tough some days talking to the ignorant. But they are only ignorant until we educate them and then they are just heartless bastards who don't care or did not want to learn or think they have the cure.

Hey, have you ever told someone you have Cluster Headaches? And their immediate response was...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I do what I do because it is something far greater than I

The videos on YouTube, the blog, the Facebook page on Cluster Headaches, the Google page, the twitter account keeps me busy. Its because I help. Its because I do all of this for a far greater good than I. Today, I ask your help.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Social Media, 2years ago was DBS brain surgery #2 of 4. Life today.

OK. So I have caved into the social media blitz. I personally was not a fan of Facebook simply because reading status on people washing their hair didn't interest me.

So I made a FB page not of me Tom *******, I made one of ClusterHead Survivor. A guy who had 4 brain surgeries and has Cluster Headaches.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Praying son does not get Cluster Headaches. as he has chronic migraines and tension headaches

A parents worst fear is that they inherit their diseases and ailments. IN last couple years my son now age 15 has been suffering chronic migraines and tension headaches.

It breaks my heart to see him suffer like this day and night non stop and like any parent with a brain cell wishes no pain upon their children and have asked god many times to take his pain and give it to me.