Monday, February 9, 2015

Raising Awareness on CTV news - Segment on Cluster Headaches

I wake up each day smiling, living life to the best of my ability, I at how such a beautiful woman chose me and to live with a loving man that has such horror. How my son was born into this without any choice, yet he  inspires me each day to give back and pay it forward. I realize that despite my cards I am dealt, I am a very blessed man.

My life is a gift from God and I know that what ever I do today is because of him. I love life and I love to help others the best I can.

I know some people are best suited to remain quiet and that is ok, Its in me to speak out for those who lost their fight. Lost their will to life so they did not die in vein. Today, I dedicate this to them......

Click Here for news cast

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