Friday, April 19, 2013

Diagnosis of ongoing Short Term Memory Loss

Today I had my diagnosis or synopsis of my appointment with two neuropsychiatrists. They sat me down (my son accompanied me) and explained the test results.

They explained to me the findings of the examination based upon a 40 year old male with same education. I have 2 post secondary diplomas (trade and accredited course).

The two psychiatrist who specialise in nuero psychology explained to me that most of my test results were normal. I could possibly have high anxiety but I personally did not see it as I know people in my life who have anxiety and I do not have those traits.

I am normal within scale on many test but what they found is my intake of knowledge is low. Meaning how I store my short term information. It eventually if digested goes to long term no problem but ruled out dementia which was a positive sign.

The two doctors explained that " My condition" had everything to do with my short term memory loss. As of July 25,2005, this July will be 8 years chronic for me. 8 years of horrible sleep, stress and pain is the cause of my short term memory loss.

They said when I stop getting headaches. I will re cop my short term memory. I personally do not think they are educated enough on Cluster Headaches but its tough as they have a broad range of nuero to deal with. There is no cure to cluster headaches. I have exhausted every medical thought by doctors to deal with my chronic cluster headaches. If one day I am cured, then perhaps my short term memory loss may come back or wont be as bad. Its hard to say.

But they both concur 100% its the ongoing pain, trauma to my brain, and lack of sleep cause by my cluster headaches that has caused my short term memory loss. It makes sense. At least I don't have early dementia, or just cause I am over 40. At last there is some validity to my short term memory loss.

They gave recommendations of using my phones calender and note pad. Dry erasable board on fridge. Etc but at least I have proof  I have memory loss and know why.



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  2. Hi Tom,
    Oddly, we share almost exactly the same medical history. Unhappily I have gone through ONS twice and even DBS twice almost parallel to your operations with still without achieving significant results.
    Therefore, I find that is like a good idea to get in touch with each other, so maybe we can help each other in information exchange.
    Write like a comment to this one what you think about this proposal, if you have energy and desire to do so!


    1. Rami, thanks for your reply. Please leave your email and I will email you,thanks

    2. Hi Tom,
      Thanks for your reply too. My email address is:
